AUTOMATED ROMAN CHARACTER TELEGRAPH PATENT (1876) This patent is for one of the early versions of Edison’s automated Roman-character telegraph. The diagram shows the wires connecting the transmitter and receiver. ROMAN-CHARACTER PERFORATOR PATENT (1874) The patent for the Roman-character perforator includes illustrations that show how the device punches holes in a paper strip to form letters and numbers. ELECTRIC PEN PATENT (1876) Edison’s electric pen was powered by chemical batteries. It was sold as a method for making multiple copies of a document. KINETOGRAPHIC CAMERA PATENT (1897) This is one of the later kinetographic cameras that Edison designed. It uses strips of transparent flexible film that has sprocket holes along the edge. This camera could take 30 to 46 pictures per second. INCANDESCENT ELECTRIC LIGHT PATENT (1881) Edison’s first patent for an electric light was much more complex than the one shown here. By the time Edison filed this patent, he was using carbonized materials as filaments. KINETOSCOPE PATENT (1893) This diagram for a kinetoscope shows how the device looks from the top. The large circle is the aperture, which is used to keep people from seeing more than one image at a time. TIN-FOIL PHONOGRAPH PATENT (1878) Edison’s patents did not always show the final form of a machine. In this patent illustration, the diaphragms for recording and playback are different shapes. In the actual machine they are the same shape but different sizes. TELEPHONE PATENT (1892) Edison originally filed this patent showing improvements on Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone in 1877. More than 15 years later, the patent was issued. Unlike Bell’s first telephone, which transmitted human voices a few miles, Edison’s phone could transmit voices much greater distances. The phone used a carbon transmitter and a chalk receiver, and was the basis for the telephones used today. AUTOGRAPHIC PRINTING PATENT (1876) Edison was constantly looking for ways to improve his devices. Between 1869, when he filed the first patent for a printing telegraph, and 1876, when he filed this autographic printing patent, he applied for, and was granted, more than 40 patents just for improvements on his printing telegraphs.